House Feng Shui Tips, Office Feng Shui Tips, Business Feng Shui Tips including
Bedroom Feng Shui, Office Feng Shui, Kitchen Feng Shui,
Apartment Feng Shui, Main Door Feng Shui

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Feng Shui Kitchen Tips for Wealth
The kitchen and kitchen equipments and appliance such as kettle, stove and rice cooker, etc are a powerful wealth qi producer. They are so powerful that correct placement often bring wonderful luck. The correct feng shui arrangement of the kitchen brings wonderful money luck coupled with health.

Feng Shui Bedroom Tips

All of us spend a lot of time in the bedroom. You spend 7 to 8 hours sleeping. The Feng Shui of your bedroom affect you to a very large extend. Having the bed placed against a solid wall on a auspicious location in relation to your bedroom door and windows is very important if you wish to have good luck in romance, relationship, descendent, health or wealth luck.

Feng Shui Tips for Main door
Every school of Feng Shui stressed the importance of the main entrance to your home. Your main entrance to your home is the mouth of your home where most chi enters. Your main entrance will determine whether the Feng Shui of your home is good or bad.

Before even you think about improving the feng shui of your home, protecting and feng shui your main entrance first. Below are important feng shui tips for your main doo
r. Read more

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